How to Change Facebook Name Before 60 Days Limitation

Many facebook users want to change name but facebook now make change limitation for 60 days.  That means if you change your name then you can not change it again before 60 days.

So, today I got this very nice trick to change facebook name before 60 days.

  • Then enter your New first name, New Last name and Reason for this change (Pick 'Spelling Mistake' or 'Language change').

  • Then download and upload your Profile Picture in Your ID.
    Note :   Don't change your Profile Picture in next 2 days.
  • Then click on Send and Done
    Note :   If name does not change instantly, then wait 2 to 3 days.
  • Enjoy Guys


nisa en nisa said…
neko je kompromitovao nalog i promenio moje ime, te da želim da se isto vrati na pravo ime.