42.zip - Download Zip Bomb for Free

Type :  ZIP Archive
Size  :  42.374 Bytes

Password :  42

The file contains 16 zipped files, which again contains 16 zipped files, which again contains 16 zipped files, which again contains 16 zipped, which again contains 16 zipped files, which contain 1 file, with the size of 4.3GB.

So, if you extract all files, you will most likely run out of space :-)

16 x 4294967295 = 68.719.476.720 (68GB)
16 x 68719476720 = 1.099.511.627.520 (1TB)
16 x 1099511627520 = 17.592.186.040.320 (17TB)
16 x 17592186040320 = 281.474.976.645.120 (281TB)
16 x 281474976645120 = 4.503.599.626.321.920 (4,5PB)
