ZC Dream Photo Editor - Freeware

Type :  EXE Application
Size  :  38.8 MB


Create Calendar
You can easily Insert calendar in your photo collages and then change the displying format of the calendar as your will. Please click menu "Design">"Calendar" to create your own photo calendar.
Insert WordArt
You can edit words with outline, shadow or even several kinds of Texture effects!
Support High Resolution
It support high resolution images. You can easy to use your high resolution photos to make a beautiful collage.
Flash Import Speed
You can import large images at flash speed! Without wait a long time, you can enjoy your drawing time!
Build-in Templates
With more professional drawn templates. Using simple click , you can design some professional photo collages immediately.
With both big frames and subframes
You can not only add the build-in frames to your collage but also to one of the photos in your collage.
