WinntbbuED 0.3.1 - Setup Billboard Screens for Windows - Direct Download

Type :  EXE Application
Size  :  249 KB

Note :  avast! Antivirus treats it as a Malware.

In its current Version this editor only allows editing of
the following in Winntbbu.dll:

   *Fonts (Large & Small)
   *Headlines & Billboards
   *Step Texts
   *Pictures (HighColor & CDBoot only):
        Step Images



  The Preview is currently only available for small
  resolution setups. Only changes made to the appropiate
  Resources will take visual effect. Of Cource all made
  changes get written to the dll.


  Though for visual completeness Texts from syssetup.dll,
  if present in the same directory as the selected 
  winntbbu.dll, are displayed, they are, at least at the
  moment, not editable.


  There are no validation Checks on the Bitmaps
  that you might use, so have to take care yourself.

  All Pictures are limited to the use of Bitmap Images.

  Every Bitmap has a display in the pictures editor
  with its current size, hold the mouse over that,
  and you will get a tip with the size microsoft has


  The font that you use MUST be present and registered
  at the time of setup.

  Since only Fontname and Fontsize are stored in the .dll
  even though the dialog for fonts allows it, you cant use
  styles like bold etc. 
